I am an Independent, Fundamental, Baptist. By Independent I mean that I determine with whom and how I follow Christ. No one or thing has "Absolute Authority" over me except God. By Fundamental I mean that I try to practice my Christianity as is presented in the Bible as Christ has modeled it for me. By Baptist I mean that I follow in that Doctrinal Tradition. Namely in the Pillars as defined by the acronym: B.A.P.T.I.S.T.S.
B is for BIBLE SOLE AUTHORITY (I only use the A.V. of the Bible for my faith and practice).
A is for AUTONOMY OF THE LOCAL CHURCH (The local Church must determine how they are to govern themselves).
P is for PRIESTHOOD OF THE BELIEVER (My relationship with God is determined by Him and I and no one else).
T is for TWO ORDINANCES (Baptism and Lord's Supper as symbols of what Christ has done for me).
I is for INDIVIDUAL SOUL LIBERTY (Each person has the responsibility alone to determine whether or not they are right with God).
S is for SAVED, BAPTIZED CHURCH MEMBERSHIP (Only those who are in good standing with God and their local church should determine how it should operate).
T is for TWO OFFICES IN THE CHURCH (Male Pastors and Male Deacons as presented by Paul in Timothy and Titus should lead local churches).
S is for SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE (Godless government should not lead God’s Church).
These are the basics by which I try to live my Christian Faith. If every Church and Christian sought always to live by such principles then I could go to any Church run by people who claim to be Independent, Fundamental, Baptist in individual practice and fellowship with them in a Godly manner. However, people’s motives are not always pure and holy. Many, under the guise of Christianity are motivated by their sinful lust to something more carnal. That is why each Christian who seeks to join a local Church (Independent, Fundamental, Baptist or otherwise) must beware of that group’s motivations. As for me I will try to seek those who seek Christ so that we may grow to God together.
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