Your Local Pastor vs. your Youtube Pastor.
Here are some of my ramblings on the topic.
Its all the rage nowadays. "So and so is the best Pastor alive today!" Have you met him or attend his church? "No he is on the internet and I read his books though.....he is so knowledgeable". "I wish my pastor......"
Do not forget! The Bereans did not search the internet or watch other pastors on Youtube in order to find out if what their pastor said is true! They searched the scriptures! In this age of technology the false teacher does not have to be in your church. Nor do they even have to be false. As Baptist we declare local church importance on one side and yet on the other follow a non-local pastor's leadership!
Even though these non-local preachers are often a blessing in head knowledge they lack much of what a local church pastor can offer. That youtube preacher cannot love you, minister to you, or have an understanding heart towards you. You also cannot see how he leads and shepherd his church all you see is a snippet.
Your Local pastor loves you and knows you personally and God gave him to pastor your local church congregation. He may not be the best preacher and you see his faults and he has some weird belief that Jesus will come back in the month of September, etc. But he wants the best for you so give him the benefit of the doubt.
If you feel your local pastor needs to change or improve because of what your "non-local pastor" said or teaches, give your local pastor the benefit of the doubt and confirm it through the Bible first then humbly seek his advice rather than having a critical spirit toward him. That youtube preacher may be "right" but often your local pastor has more insight to the subject at hand and he too was "right."
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